Thank you for visiting the Apotheek Life website, our official name is Apotheek Life BV. Apotheek Life is a subsidiary of Webcare Group Ltd, Unit 18, Britannia Way, Waters Meeting, Bolton, BL2 2HH, t/a
On this website you will find general health information, information about our Pharmacy and policies. With regard to general health information, it applies only to the extent known to the general public. Your situation may differ from this, so never replace the online information for consultation with a doctor, pharmacist or specialist. Always contact your prescriber or pharmacist for personal advice. For the general terms and conditions of our pharmacy, we refer to the terms and conditions that the trade organization KNMP has formally filed.
If Applicable, the following terms apply if patients engage directly with the Pharmacy for purchase of medication. This translation can only be used in combination with and as explanation to the Dutch text. In the event of a disagreement or dispute relating to the interpretation of the English text the Dutch text will be binding.
Filed by the Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Pharmacy, established in The Hague with the Haaglanden Chamber of Commerce in The Hague, for the first time on February 11, 2009 (40 409 373).
1. These conditions apply to all agreements regarding purchase, including distance purchase, provision, delivery and loan of products by the pharmacy, for which payment has not been made immediately (cash or cashless).
2. If a product is not in stock and has been ordered or prepared by the pharmacy at the request of the patient/consumer, the patient/consumer is obliged to purchase the product, unless a product does not comply with the agreement within the meaning of the Civil Code.
3. If a product is provided on loan by the pharmacy, a deposit is due equal to the pharmacy sales price. This deposit will be refunded if a product is returned to the pharmacy in good condition at the end of the loan agreement.
4. Products will only be taken back for destruction. There will be no refund of costs.
5. To the extent that the pharmacy contacts the patient/consumer’s health insurer directly for collection of its claim, the pharmacy reserves the right to demand payment from the patient/consumer insofar as the health insurer does not pay for the delivered goods on time. In such a case, payment by the patient/consumer must be made within 14 days after the pharmacy has made a payment request.
6. If the patient/consumer fails to pay an invoice on time, the patient/consumer is legally in default. The patient/consumer then owes interest. In the case of consumer purchases, the interest is equal to the statutory interest. In other cases, the patient/consumer owes interest of 1% per month, unless the statutory interest is higher, in which case the statutory interest is due. The interest on the amount due will be calculated from the moment the patient/consumer is in default until the moment the full amount is paid.
7. The pharmacy has the right to have payments made by the patient/consumer firstly deduct the costs, then deduct the accrued interest and finally deduct the principal sum and current interest.
8. The pharmacy may, without being in default, refuse an offer of payment if the patient/consumer indicates a different order for the allocation of payment. The pharmacy may refuse full repayment of the principal amount if the outstanding and ongoing interest and collection costs are not also paid.
9. Objections to the amount of an invoice do not suspend the payment obligation.
10. Unless otherwise stated in the agreement or additional conditions, the amounts owed by the patient/consumer must be paid within 14 days after the start of the reflection period for distance purchasing, or in the absence of a reflection period, within 14 days after concluding the agreement. In the case of an agreement to provide a service, this period starts on the day after the patient/consumer has received confirmation of the agreement.
11. When selling products to patients/consumers, the patient/consumer may never be obliged to pay more than 50% in advance. If advance payment has been stipulated, the patient/consumer cannot assert any rights regarding the execution of the order or service(s) before the agreed advance payment has been made.
12. The patient/consumer has the obligation to immediately report any inaccuracies in payment details provided or stated to the pharmacy.
13. If the patient/consumer does not fulfil his payment obligation(s) on time, he will be notified by the pharmacy of the late payment and the pharmacy will inform the patient/co. The consumer has been granted a period of 14 days to still meet his payment obligations, after failure to pay within this 14-day period, the pharmacy owes statutory interest on the amount still owed and the pharmacy is entitled to recover the extrajudicial collection costs incurred by it. to be taken into account. These collection costs amount to a maximum of: 15% on outstanding amounts up to € 2,500, 10% on the next € 2,500, and 5% on the next € 5,000 and 1% on the next € 190,000. The minimum amount of collection costs is €40. The pharmacy may deviate from the stated amounts and percentages to the benefit of the patient/consumer.
14. Unless there is proof to the contrary, the pharmacy invoice and associated administrative data provide complete evidence on the basis of which the patient/consumer is obliged to make payment.
15. Dutch law applies to the agreements referred to in Article 1 of these conditions.
16. All disputes of whatever nature that concern or are related to an agreement subject to these conditions will be submitted to the competent Dutch court. Dutch law is applicable.
17.These conditions have been filed with the Haaglanden Chamber of Commerce.
18.The conditions most recently filed there apply.
To provide clarity about the rights and obligations, the professional organization of pharmacists in the Netherlands, the Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Pharmacy (KNMP), has drawn up general terms and conditions of sale and payment. These general terms and conditions are a supplement to the general rules of the Civil Code. Unless other agreements have been made between the pharmacy and you, these general terms and conditions apply and you as a patient/consumer are bound by them.
The general terms and conditions apply if you purchase on account from the pharmacy and do not send the invoice to your insurer (as with many health insurers) based on agreements between your insurer and the pharmacies. If your insurer does not pay, the pharmacy may still request payment from you. The conditions will be communicated to you before or at the time of concluding an agreement. In many cases you can also take note of the content of the conditions because they are posted in the public area of the pharmacy or on the pharmacy’s website. The most important rule is that invoices must be paid no later than 14 days after the date of the invoice. If you do not pay on time, you will have to take additional costs into account. Even if you have ordered something from the pharmacy that is not in stock, you are obliged to purchase and pay for the ordered item, unless the ordered item does not correspond to what you ordered.